We are often asked how to ascertain which blends are best for each individual and we always recommend using your intuition first- what colours of the crystals shown in the collections do you like best for now ( this preference may change with time, this depends on person to person.) We recommend that you use your intuition - try choosing a blend by yourself, by sight, colour, and how you feel, without the help of the list of benefits below.
Many times, we may think we have a particular condition that a crystal from the chart below might address. However, these 'conditions' have many causes, and identifying the root cause then identifying the blends that will support you.
Take for example, for a condition like 'sleeping better'; you may wish to ask yourself more in-depth questions like, why can't I get to sleep? Or perhaps do you wake up frequently to use the bathroom and that gives you interrupted sleep? On reflection, you may realise that it is because you've been stressed by your colleagues, then you can choose a blend that will support you with relationships. Or perhaps, you may realise you don't sleep well because your workload has recently doubled and you're left tired and drained. You can then choose a blend that will support you through lethargy or boost your immunity.
What if you are not able to pin-point the root cause behind a condition that you may be experiencing? Go back, and look at the blends, and see which one you 'like the most', 'feel for', or are 'attracted to'. These are valid ways of using our intuition to choose what's right for us.
Using crystals to restructure your drinking water in itself, helps with hydration and mild detoxification and so far in the feedback from our customers and partners, an overall sense of well-being.